December 29-THE FIRST MIRACLE CHRIST JESUS PERFORMED. John 2:1-11-It was the 3rd day of the wedding when Spirit is united to Soul, He turned water to wine. Water represented the physical realm and wine represented the Spirit realm. Six is the number of mankind physical. There was 6 water jars, He told the help to fill to the brim meaning no room for the human thinking to keep on Being Human Beings any more. He was showing His disciples that they are already Spirit Beings representing the wine as an allegory to show them their Divinity meaning we were with God before the foundation of the earth. This wine was given at the end of the ceremony was the best wine that most wedding give the new wine first. This wine was that Christ lives in us NOW. Holy Spirit still small voice within us tells us what to do only what the Father tells us to do, but Christ Jesus said, It was not His time yet to do this, but to show His disciples before the cross NOW their Royalty as Sons and Daughters of God.

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