April 6-WHY DID CHRIST JESUS DIE ON THE CROSS? Six is the number of man total spirit, soul and body. The cross signifies two thoughts. The horizontal presents human limitations, mind of flesh with pain, suffering, sickness, and death. The straight part of the cross is God only, Spirit Realm where no human thoughts exist and God put to death all evil thinking. The evil comes from our distorted human thoughts making God in the image of man with human attributes of hate, jealousy, and every upside thoughts of man’s thinking that he is god. At the cross, Christ Jesus said, “It is finished, and greater things we will do to go to the resurrection side of the cross which is peace, happiness, Love, with no thoughts of separation from God in any way.” John 19:28. Remember your True Self. We need to resurrect to the thought of God only flowing out of us to never thirst or hunger again because our Soul will not Be ruled by ego thoughts that Edge God Out to Be united with the Spirit led by God only.

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