April 27-YOU ARE A PEARL OF GREAT PRICE. A Pearl goes through a lot of
friction to Become a round beautiful Pearl. “The Kingdom of Heaven
(Spirit Realm) hidden in a field (God inside of all of us) is the Pearl
of Great Price.” Matt. 13:44. We are created in the image (reflection in
a mirror), and likeness (exact copy) of God.” Gen. 1:27. We are the
Pearl given to us by Christ Jesus at the cross every thing removed from
human thinking, and human behavior. Christ Jesus within us cannot
receive any thing from the carnal ego mind of flesh given to us as a
temptation not to accept, and give power to the carnal mind. We must let
go of physical flesh to know we already have the Mind of Christ to gain
the Pearl of Great Price in the Spirit Realm of “Life more abundantly.”
John 10 10. An idol is believing in flesh with all material things
instead of Believing and Knowing God only with no evil. This carnal mind
wants to kill the Christ in us, but has no power only temptation that is
not real.

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