April 25-WE ARE SPIRIT BEINGS. 25 is 5×5 the number of GRACE doubled. Your Identity is Spirit. By the Truth of who you are has saved you from the insane thoughts of your own mind. You are Spirit with your Father’s Love, Peace and Joy. You are the extension of God which completes Him-self (us) who is with you always, as you are with Him. Matt. 28:20. Spirit I AM, a holy Son and Daughter of God, free of limits, safe, healed and whole, free to forgive to save the world. Many Saviors will come from Mt. Zion-Spirit Realm who are prepared to Be God like in everything they say and do saved from thinking human thoughts to God thoughts only. You are Being saved from temptations to the words of our own carnal mind instead of the Mind of Christ. To save us from consequences to believe a lie instead of the Truth of your Being when you know you are a Spirit Being created perfect by God and we were with God before the foundation of the world perfect. Obadiah 1:21.

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