April 21-I AM EXPERIENCING A NEW BEGINNING. 21 is the number 7+3- 7 is Divine completion, Spiritual perfection, intercession, Rest. 3-Godhead-3 Persons in the Godhead. A long time ago in another dimension, we ALL had this thought, “What if there was something else instead of God?” We then went into a lower realm of seeing good and evil instead of Being Life and Life more abundantly. We became a Living Soul letting the i, me, to rule instead of a Life Given Spirit. Spring is when you look up at the bare leaves on the trees and then the trees are full of beautiful green leaves. Death is gone to resurrecting life. Breathe into us for Beauty, Power, Order, and Unconditional Love. My mind is renewed to the Mind of Christ. Let all my burdens fall away with Thoughts of God only. All fear, pain melts away like the old snow with the Presence of the Rising Sun. New Beginning arising from the inner part of our Being. I AM a New Creation in Christ Jesus Today.

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